Tuesday, August 29, 2006


relationship - I've got this damn weird mindset - I've always think a relationship can be maintain for a very long time easily (like forever) as long as both got the heart to do so.. like the mushy song "my heart will go on" u know?.. the reason for breakups is simply- one person don't want to go on anymore (or in some worse senarios- both of them doesn't bother to carry on).. so as long as both person got the "heart".. things can be fine.. no one should let go..
why complicate things when one can be much prettier and easier in simple forms?
I still don't believe in FOREVER, haha dont get me wrong..
still searching but if u are in one, just be more generous & patient, don't let down on your heart..

he told me he learn some things from me when he's with me.. =) but I told him each of us grow from time to time.. Seeing a better light, perhaps changing for the "better" as we age & get exposed to new things, so vice versa, I learn things from him as well..
he told me my "flaws" and his reasons for being skeptical.. I listened
Respect the differences! else someone would have to change.. the best if both compromise but keep expectations to the minimal.. keep ur feelings positive.. thing may not work out (nothings impossible as well as nothings forever).. but Goodluck! Seize the moment for there will be no room for regrets..

How to judge between too egoistic & mere high self-esteem? positive or negative? Subjective I say.. its jus differentiate by a fine line.. different pple will have different set of standards, opinions & tolerance for it.. why be so self-defensive? we all could be wrong.. u can be damn wrong, I can be wrong.. why not? don't deprive me from conveying my msgs..

if by now u don't understand what i mean.. it should be the way.. Im jus blogging for myself..

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