Thursday, October 21, 2010

men and women can both be heartless

last nite I met up with my uni friends which inspired me to today's question..
Why do relationship flames die off?

what happened was: my friend was telling me her friend's story... (really not my story!!!) Can't tell names to protect innocent parties whom I don't even actually know..

This Guy A, his girlfriend of 10 years who he proposed to, and already shared to buy a condo with, bought wedding package with, runs away!... yes! the girl friend aka wife-to-be run away with another guy... =(
okie, it's not literally run away but something like walk off from the relationship overnight (or over a few days etc).. a ten-years relationship! cant be compared to this new guy, who apparently could be a little more attractive as this thirdparty is an Italian guy..
I feel sad for Guy A not as a friend (coz I dunno him mah) but as a stranger listening to his story... why is that woman so heartless!?!??! I thought only men are capable of such things?

so moral of the story is, both guys and girls are capable of being heartbreakers and total bullies... why a 10-yr relationships flame would just die off like that?? and not like our parents era of "happily ever afters?"

okie maybe i should make less of a hoohaa since they are like not even married yet (but still TEN YEARS leh! -_-") and couples do bond and break easily before marriage.. BUT..
Why are there so many married couples breaking up too!! like latest Courtney Cox and David Arquette and Christina Aguilera and her husband etc and lots more?

they were like soooooo much in love once rite? everyone of them and also everyone of us
so how do we keep the flame going on strong?

Make it a point my dearest friends... Every relationship should be carefully managed, no matter long or short, married or not.. put our best efforts and foot in consistently, don't neglect and we will have lesser regrets...
I used to have a very naive thinking that as long as 2 person both love each other and make a point to keep a relationship going, it will all worked out eventually rather magically or easily.. but at "modern days" like this, where there are simply too much 3rd 4th 5th 6th...7th...factors.. I have to admit I'm too traditional and naive (stupid) for this love game... nothing is impossible and anything can happen..
(of course, do not start being over-doubtful or overbearingly concern or suspicious or careful lah, scary leh!)

more on this topic til then...

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