Thursday, November 03, 2011

In Time

I'm always a big Fan of Justin Timberlake's music, I can play his Justified album in my player, repeat over and over again (10,000times) and not get bored. Only good musicians can do that to me. He is one, way back from *NSync, not only from his solo albums, I was already hooked. Now after watching his movies "Friends with Benefits" and "In Time", I'm more hooked! Obsessed isn't it?... why is he sooooo dashing & talented??
Very versatile leh this chap, the 2 different lead roles were so different yet he did so well in both....

The eye candies... lovely!!!! I wouldn't say that this movie is a diedie must watch one, but it's relatively decent enough to worth your bucks..."Time Is Money" concept movie is rather new& intriguing to me....Would like to change the ending though.. bcoz the typical ending is very predictable & boring.....

his uber cool toy in the show, "56years" I think =P

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