Thursday, June 26, 2014

normally, during worldcup season, pple will not expect me to blog or talk anything else except for the ball, but today, lets talk about le boyfriend! =)
Le boyfriend and me has to go through alot to be together, in fact we are still WIP..
however, I really really greatly appreciate the tolerance and patience he has put into all this, its tough on him, I'm sure..
So.. we do have our fair share of disagreements and all, a typical couple although we both hate to fight.. but we always manage to keep it down and at the back of my mind, I always reminded myself I can't be always correct, I don't have to win all the time.. he too, always tries to let me have my ways.. =)

So! how far can we go? I'm not sure... but I certainly hope its a learning process we both get to enjoy and get the best out of it, forever is an overstatement, how about for as much as we could

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