Monday, June 20, 2005

"I Just Got Carried Away"

I did tons of shopping recently (especially over the past weekend) and to my dismay, I'm broke again! Perhaps people might thought this is a normal reflection of the Great Singapore Sales period, but the truth is, most of the things I bought are not on bargain even.. Yah! No discount at all! Bummer... What kinda GSS is this?
Anyway my purchases varies from shoes to clothes, bag, cds, groceries and accessories...
Adding to my huge expenses would also be the driving lessons I've been taking =(
I would better take this as a reminder to be more thrifty for the remaining months b4 I start being panicky for the next sch fees payment again..I should try browsing the net & websearch for "How to Refrain One from Excessive shopping".
Even the paperbag for my shoes seems to be mocking at me.. It reads " I Just Got Carried Away".. Normally, other patronizers would have interpret it as the items being physically carried away from the store, that's all... but for me, this tagline was exactly my excuse.

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