Monday, October 03, 2005

I cant stand COPYCATS

I thought I could be more positive (+ve) since its a long time since I blog but I cant help but to reprimand certain type of people ( or so called friends) here. I simply can't stand copycats anymore!!! Sorry for being so worked up & arrogant but this injustice feelings has been accumulated for sometime already! I know certain things/ trend/ or even feelings are common & not copyright , but my ideas and my style is simply my own! I WONT EVER believe out of the blue, we are always similar.. esp when u r always 1 day- 2 weeks slower ! So get ur own life & Ur own PERSONALITY for goodness sake! Its the only way to make u the pretty real true self! I wont consider u a friend if u continue copying & love to sneak around and "coincidentally" b the same in behavior and things u buy.... GO AWAY! (its more then 1 I encounter)

anyway.. =P.. jus in case my REAL friends start getting paranoid.. pls don't! I'm not talking bout U really (esp if you think U are not the type above) and also esp if you r my loved ones and I totally wouldn't mind being Siamese Twins with U, *wink wink*... (jus don't too exaggerating can?) ... But for those who don't belong in my list... I wont respect U and I reallyreallyreally hope u seek my advise ABOVE... Be yourself!...

1 comment:

dummie said...

Tell the copycat you just bought "something" from me leh....wahahaha