Thursday, November 02, 2006

hmm.. Rain's concert tickets prices are priced at $888, $688..
that's ex!! why would anyone spend so much for a concert??!??but apparently.. there are such fans.. anyway the Koreans seems to be earning alot of money these days.. appealing to alot of local fans.. whywhywhy??...
my knowledge on korean stuff is:
I've finished watching "My Lovely Samsoon" and now watching "Princess Hours" DVDs..
hmm.. since i didn't watch Rain's dramas at all.. I don't find him shuai.. but think he can dance well.. I do find Samsoon's bf good-looking.. There!.. below, Hyeon Bin...

I suspect if i ever watch Rain's drama.. i might like him as well.. but for the moment.. nope.. not yet..

For Princess Hours.. find it kinda kiddy...childish.. but on later stages, as the princess grows more mature.. the things in the palace become more exciting to watch.. I find kim jeonghoon (top pic) look like takki hideaki of Japan.. Such a Pretty guy! I like =D

for the rest.. think they would prefer the other Crown Prince (bottom pic), Ji-hoon (Shin) ba..
Wonder this kinda K-pop trend will last how long? I'm not a K-pop fan for sure.. not yet..
Oh ya.. another reason I watch Princess Hours is I like the bears in the show.. see the one Shin holding? so cute!!! so many teddy bears inside.. such cuties!!

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