Monday, November 06, 2006

House Of Wax

Was watching a number of DVDs in the weekend.. One of it was the horror show " House of Wax" made in 2005 starring my favorite Chad Michael Murray and the famous Paris Hilton.. The critics didn't rate it favorably but I thought the scenes were pretty gruesome!.. Which is okay for a horror plot right? Let me tell u what the psychos did to those innocent trespassers if u havent watch it.. Imagine sealing a victim's lips with superglue (strong gum).. pple sealed victims lips with browntapes, or merely stuffed a towel inside the mouth to keep them quiet..but he use superglue to seal lips! my god.. and the ghoulishly inventive killers waxed the victims alive! they snapped fingers, cut the blood veins, poke the hearts .. whatever and whatever and waxed everyone up.. so the town is filled with remarkably life-like wax sculptures...which are all victims.. gross gross..

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