Monday, November 13, 2006

on Sat, I watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Beginning, rated R21.. I caught the first "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" before.. so I kinda know what I'm going to get.. and true enough.. its as gruesome as whatever u could have imagine.. the brutal cruel ways.. argghhh.. disturbing!.. i started to ponder why am I watching this kinda show when its not entertaining or enjoyable at all.. no im not a scaredy cat kind.. so it didn't hit me bad but if u think it from another angle, its not inspiring also.. waste money right? i certainly dont enjoy watching pple's leg get saw off, or throats being cut, face skin being peel off etc.. at least those ghostly korean/japan horror movies have more entertaining storylines or have a certain twisted plot in them.. this one is just bloody, grisly, disgusting.. waste money! *^&%*^@*&%^ im not watching this kinda show anymore.. no.. im not scared hor! jus find it.. eh.. pointless

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